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Sue Parler
New Jersey, United States
I'm currently in my 32nd year teaching at DePaul Catholic HS in Wayne, NJ. I teach Game Design, Cryptology, and Spanish -- yes, it's an odd mix -- even I admit it. I am the IT Coordinator at DePaul Catholic as well, which means I manage the network, the student information system, the website, and the 900+ computers in the building. Yep, keeps me busy.
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Thursday, September 30, 2010

PostHeaderIcon BP3_Diigo Group

As per the requirements of this assignment...
  1. I have joined Diigo and the Ripples group (screenshot one shows my group memberships).
  2. I have created my own Diigo group and am awaiting acceptances of the invitations I sent out to join (screenshot two shows my Authentic Tech group)
  3. This serves as the Blog Post for BP3_Diigo Group.
While Diigo may be a great tool and serve some well, it comes a tad late in the game for me.  I can see the value of containment and organization of content.  However by month four of my Action Research Plan, if I am disorganized, I'm dead in the water.  So I've already set up a means for my Critical Friends to communicate with me.  I use Zotero to organize my online research.  

I recall my first experience in Introduction to Research with Dr. Wyly.  I can easily recall the angst I felt when we were informed we needed to form a group.  A group?  I'm an only child... I like computers because they don't talk to me... I play singles tennis, not doubles... I don't do groups.

So in my first week of my pursuit of a Masters of Science, I had to form a group?!  With people I never met?  This was not a good thing.

OK, by the end of the course I got it.  The cohort made me responsible to not only myself, but to others as well.  If the need for "best work" was not inherent in me to start, I knew there were four others counting on my best effort.  And I gave it.  Our initial group is still together. In course two, we welcomed another member.  Despite the fact that ETC has not called for a cohort, we still are very much a team.  When we needed blog followers, we were there for each other - no mass E-mail invites were needed -- we are a team.

So despite the fact that I do research alone -- and enjoy it that way, I know that somewhere down the road in this course, I'll better understand the purpose of sharing it with others. The one benefit I can already foresee to publicly sharing resources comes from other like-minded people who are members of your Diigo group.  They benefit by your resources, and in return, you benefit by theirs as they post ideas and comments to the group.

Will I use Diigo beyond the scope of this course?  That remains to be seen.  For now, I'm willing to ride the wave.


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